About the COMM Lab
The Georgia State University Communication Lab assists Communication students with all aspects of writing and speaking. Our graduate-level tutors can help with brainstorming, rough draft reviews, AP style issues, grammar concerns and speech presentations.
How We Can Help
COMM Lab tutors are available at various times throughout the week and weekend to assist in whatever areas Communication students request support. Whether it’s writing (AP/MLA/APA style), grammar (its or it’s?) speaking (speech presentations), brainstorming (I don’t know where to start!) or organizing (making things “flow”), we are here to help.
Make an online appointment
Look at the staff availability times below. Email a request for a specific date and time. Tutors will reply with a confirmation or suggestions for alternatives, if there’s a scheduling conflict. Your confirmation will be a link to a video call.
Meet our staff
Ed Van Herik
[email protected]
Ed Van Herik is a former award-winning journalist whose stories caused local governments to address problems he highlighted and real-estate developers to fix their botched subdivisions. He once wrote a story that brought in a $25,000 anonymous donation to a Christmas charity. As a public relations professional, he spearheaded the response of a major California utility during its 2000 energy crisis, shaping messaging while acting as a principal spokesman for 18 months. He is now working on his dissertation on the rhetoric of Christian Nationalism at GSU.
John Hendry
[email protected]
John Hendry is a Ph.D. candidate in GSU's Communication department and a Presidential Fellow with the university's Transcultural Conflict and Violence Initiative. He has been a writing tutor for over a decade, serving students at Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia Perimeter and Georgia State downtown. He is proficient in AP style and can advise students on grammatical, stylistic and assignment-specific issues.
Dr. Helen Cauley
[email protected]
I have been a journalism instructor since 2017 when I graduated from GSU with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition. Since 2013, I have taught a variety of writing, speech and communication courses in both the COMM and English departments. My professional expertise is as a journalist, radio host, on-air contributor, editor and author for more than 30 years. I’m particularly adept at AP/APA/MLA styles and grammar, and am available to assist students with needs across all departmental classes.
Contact Us
Communication Department
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Graduate Programs
PH.D. Program
Undergraduate Programs
Equipment Checkout/Return
Other Inquiries
Office/Delivery Address
Georgia State University
Communication Department
25 Park Place, NE
8th Floor, Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30303
USPS Mailing Address:
Georgia State University
Communication Department
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060