Graduate Student Assistantships and Fellowships
The Department of Communication offers Ph.D. students graduate assistantships that offer teaching and research responsibilities. Graduate assistants are expected to teach or be assigned as an assistant to the equivalent of three 3-hour undergraduate courses per year and assist an appointed faculty member in his or her research endeavors. Assistantships are renewable annually for a four-year period. Doctoral students on assistantship receive a full tuition waiver; a stipend (currently $20,000); up to $800 (as available) to support travel for the presentation of conference papers.
Graduate students in the Master's program may apply for an assistantship opportunity by filling out an application available online at the Department of Communication website in the Forms & Handbooks section. The available positions consist of working in one of the department’s labs. Master's students on assistantship support receive a full tuition waiver and a stipend (currently $6000).
Transcultural Conflict and Violence - Presidential Fellowship
The TCV initiative is an interdisciplinary group of faculty and doctoral students from the programs of Anthropology, Communication, Computer Science, English, the Middle East Institute, Political Science, Psychology, and Religious Studies. Scholars work together to analyze the causes and solutions to transcultural conflict and violent extremism. Each year, new and returning students compete for twelve Presidential Fellowships.
Fellows conduct research gaining experience writing grants, working on interdisciplinary research teams, and co-authoring with nationally and internationally recognized faculty working in the area.
More information:
Contact: Dr. Carol Winkler at [email protected] Communication Professor / TCV Lead Faculty
James Woodruff, Jr., Fellowship in Media Innovation & Responsibility
To be considered for the scholarship you must meet the following criteria:
- MA students, any concentration
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Minimum of at least one semester (spring) remaining at GSU.
Applicant Must Also:
- Write a 500-word essay explaining how your personal or professional goals and interests are related to media innovation and responsibility.
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Note: All scholarship winners agree to share a picture of themselves to be used in promotional material.
Current Graduate Student Resources in the College of Arts & Sciences
Contact Us
Communication Department
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Graduate Programs
PH.D. Program
Undergraduate Programs
Equipment Checkout/Return
Other Inquiries
Office/Delivery Address
Georgia State University
Communication Department
25 Park Place, NE
8th Floor, Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30303
USPS Mailing Address:
Georgia State University
Communication Department
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060