At GSUTV we practice responsible journalism. Our students search out those stories and incidents that deserve to be seen and heard. Some stories are hard-hitting and others heart warming.
Featured Episodes
Return to Vietnam
In this GSUTV special presentation, we bring two Vietnam veterans back to the country that left such an indelible impression on an entire generation. Fifty years later the wounds are still healing.
ADDICTED - The Opioid Epidemic
In this episode of Special Edition join Savannah Pratt as she learns more about this emergency facing our country and discovers how some Georgians are finding hope in recovery.
2 AM Girls
GSUTV Special Edition takes you into the world of sex trafficking, strip clubs and the women who once lived in these worlds, but are now rescuing the women trapped by their circumstances. Join Savannah Pratt as she goes undercover to find out what goes on behind closed doors.
All Episodes

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Communication Department
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Atlanta, GA 30303
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Georgia State University
Communication Department
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060