Ethan Trinh
Associate Director, Atlanta Global Studies Center Communication- Education
Ph.D. Language and Literacy, Georgia State University, 2023
- Specializations
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), LGBTQ+
- Biography
Dr. Ethan Trinh (Pronouns: they/them/their) is a Vietnamese, queer, immigrant, researcher, and teacher educator. They currently serve as the Associate Director of the Atlanta Global Studies Center, a Title VI National Resource Center, in partnership with The Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Trinh’s scholarship focuses on queer teacher’s emotions and well-being and explores how to embrace queerness as healing teaching and research practices.
Dr. Trinh has published 50+ peer-reviewed articles in various venues. Their articles can be found in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, LGBTQ Policy Journal, Journal of Homosexuality, Multicultural Perspectives, The Qualitative Report, TESOL Journal, Teaching and Teacher Education and other book chapters (Routledge, Brill, and Springer). They have co-edited four volumes, entitled “Critical Storytelling: Multilingual Immigrants in the United States” (Brill, 2021) with Luis Javier Pentón Herrera, “Teacher Well-Being in English Language Teaching: An Ecological Approach” (Routledge, 2023) with Luis Javier Pentón Herrera & Gilda Martinez-Alba, “Doctoral Students’ Identities and Emotional Wellbeing in Applied Linguistics: Autoethnographic Accounts” (Routledge, 2023) & “Curating the Self and Embracing the Community: Autoethnographic Evocations of U.S. Doctoral Students in the Fields of Social Sciences and Humanities” (Brill, 2023) with Bedrettin Yazan and Luis Javier Pentón Herrera. Currently, they serve as an Associate Editor at GATESOL Journal.
Dr. Trinh has collaborated with international scholars from different countries in the world, including Vietnam, Canada, Brazil, Poland, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines. They were the recipient of the 2022 Leadership Mentoring Program Award by the TESOL International Association and are the 2024-2025 Nominating Committee at TESOL International. Dr. Trinh believes in the power of the global and local community and aims to co-build a world with inclusivity, equity, and critical love with all.Research Interests
Language Teachers’ Emotions and Well-being, Auto/Duo/Collaborative Ethnography, Qualitative Inquiry.
- Publications
To read more of my publications, visit my Google Scholars page.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles:
- Pentón Herrera, L. J., Trinh, E., & Park, G. (2023). Storytelling as an Outlet for Restoration and Peacebuilding: An Introduction to the Special Issue [Editorial]. TESOL Journal, e763.
- Koro, M., Wolgemuth, J., & Trinh, E. (2023). Reducing methodological footprints in qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 1-9. doi:10.1177/10778004231183944
- Trinh, E. & Behizadeh, N. (2023). Unmasking queer bodies to humanize teacher education: A diffractive collaborative autohistoria-teoria. Teaching and Teacher Education, 131, 1-9.
- Trinh, E. & Tinker Sachs, G. (2023). Thinking queer with Vietnamese EFL textbooks. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. 1-28.
- Pentón Herrera, L. J., Trinh, E. & Gómez Portillo, M. (2021). Cultivating calm and stillness at the doctoral level: A collaborative autoethnography. Educational Studies. 1-20.
- Trinh, E. (2021). Crossing the split in nepantla: (Un)successful attempts to dismantle a TESOL teacher candidate in after-queer research. [Special issue] Journal of Homosexuality. 1-22.
- Trinh, E. (2020). “Still you resist”: An Autohistoria-teoria of a Vietnamese queer teacher to meditate, teach, and love in the Coatlicue State. [Special Issue] International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 33(6), 621-633.
Selected Edited Books
- Trinh, E., Reynolds, K., & Coda, J. (2024). Teaching Pride Forward: Building LGBTQ+ Allyship in English Language Teaching. TESOL Press.
- Yazan, B., Trinh, E., & Pentón Herrera, L. J. (Eds.) (2023). Doctoral students’ identities and emotional wellbeing in Applied Linguistics: Autoethnographic accounts. Routledge
- Pentón Herrera, L. J., Martínez-Alba, G., & Trinh, E. (Eds.) (2023). Teacher well-being in English language teaching: An ecological approach. Routledge.
Selected Book Chapters
- Trinh, E., de Oliveira, L., & Andrade, B. (in press). Cultivating critical love in professional organizations: A queering approach for ELT leaders. In E. Trinh, K. Reynolds, & J. Coda (Eds.), Teaching Pride Forward: Building LGBTQ+ Allyship in English Language Teaching. TESOL Press.
- Trinh, E. (2022). Supporting queer SLIFE youth: Initial queer considerations. In L. J. Pentón Herrera (Ed.), English and students with limited or interrupted formal education: Global perspectives on teacher preparation and classroom practices (pp. 209-225).
Springer International Publishing.