The Department of Communication would like to acknowledge graduate students who have completed their Ph.D. at Georgia State University. The details of their dissertation are listed below.
- Walcott, Carolyn. "Contested Patrimony: A Thematic Analysis of Guyana's Newspaper Framing of Oil Discoveries, Journalistic Challenges Navigating the Sector, and Stakeholders' Perspectives on Media Presentation". Fall 2020
- Kim, Hyung-Min. "The Impacts of New Technologies on Physical Activities: Based on Fitness App Use and Fitness Social Media Postings". Spring 2020
- Alexander, Kelley. "How Do Teachers' Childhood and Adolescent Bullying Victimization Experiences Influence Their Responses to Bullying?" Spring 2020
- Monica Ponder. "The Henrietta Hypothesis: Redefining Crisis Communication Practice for Women's Health Organizations". Fall 2019
- Seifu Adem. “Democratic Social Movement Framing Dynamics: Framing of the Oromo Protest Movement by the International News Media, Oromo Activists, International Human Rights Groups, and the Ethiopian Government Officials”. 2019
- LaVette M. Burnette. “For the Love of My Sisters: Exploring Black Women Academics’ Narratives on the Uses and Benefits of Fictive Kin Networks”. 2019
- Kareem El Damanhoury. “Dissecting Visual Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of Isis and the Egyptian Military’s Photographs in 2016-2017”. 2018
- Carmen Goman. “Forgiveness Communication During End-Of-Life: An Exploratory Study”. 2018
- Megan Hodgkiss. "Newsworthiness Guidelines for a Socially Responsible Press: Aligning Definitions at the Intersection of Journalism, Ethics, and the Law". 2017
- SeJung Park. “Celebrities’ Climate Change Advocacy on Twitter and Its Effects on Public Perception and Behavioral Change”. 2017
- Matthew Sones. “Fear vs Hope: Do Discrete Emotions Mediate Message Fram Effectiveness in Genetic Cancer Screening Appeals?” 2017
- Esmaeil Esfandiary. “Discourse and Network Analysis of Iran Expertise in the U.S.” 2017
- Christian Norman. “Narrative Change in Professional Wrestling: Audience Address and Creative Authority in the Era of Smart Fans”. 2016
- Eugenia Pia Ferrero, Esq. "Case Study of the "NO ON 37" Coalition Against The Deceptive Food Labeling Scheme: Public Relations Strategies & Tactics, Ethically Problematic Communication, and The First Amendment." 2016
- Melany M Chambers. "Exploring the Health and Lifestyle Attitudes and Behaviors of African- American Women and Afro- Caribbean Immigrant Women in Atlanta, Georgia." 2016
- Trayce Billingsly Leak. "Likes, Posts, and Tweets Oh My: Social Media and The Practice of Excellence in Public Relations Within Professional Sports Organizations." 2016
- Shajobia Keys. "Doc McStuffins: How African American Preschoolers Interpret Entertainment- Education Messages." 2016
- Tonia East Phanor. “Entertainment-Education to Increase Self-Efficacy and Reduce Counterarguing: HIV/AIDS Prevention and African Americans.” 2015
- Michael Tannebaum. “Seeking Sexual Health Information from Romantic Partners: Testing an Application and Extension of the Theory of Motivated Information Management.”2015
- Darcey West Morris. “The Evolution of Cable Network Brand: The Case of Time Warner in the Post-Network Era, 2001-2011.” 2015
- Vann Morris. “Comparing Effects of Public Service Announcements on Young Adults’ Perception of the R-Word.”2015
- May Fawaz-Huber. “The role of the Media in the Precarious Plural Democracy: the Case of Lebanon.” 2013
- T. Randahl Morris. “Reconsidering Testimonials Forms and Social Justice: A Study of Official and Unofficial Testimony in Chile” 2012
- James R. Schiffman. “Cultural Narratives as Discursive Struggles: An analysis of the CCTV and NBC presentations of the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Summer Games.” 2012
- Matt Duffy. "Unnamed Sources: A Longitudinal Review of the Practice and its Merits." 2010
- Melissa Plew. "Facebook Friendships Between College / University Instructors and Students: Deciding Whether or not to Allow Students as Friends, Communicating With Students, and the Individual Differences that Influence Instructors' Impression Management on Facebook." 2010
- Qing Tian. "Self-Presentation and Social Interaction on Blogs: A Structural Equation Modeling of the Uses and Gratifications of Blogging." 2009
- Raiz A. Renkoff-Toohey. "Wired Valentines and Webs of Love: An Examination of People's Attitudes and Their Intentions to Use the Net to Form Romantic Relationship." 2007
- Nahed M. Eltantawy. "U.S. Newspaper Representation of Muslim and Arab Women Post 9/11" 2007
- Woongjae Ryoo. "The South Korean Mediascape: State, Civil, Society, and the Implications of Regional Political Economy for Cultural Transformation." 2006
- Jiali Ye. "Maintaining Friendships Formed Online: Analyzing the Role of Relational Experiences, the Medium, and Culture." 2006
- Amal Ibrahim. "Automatic Activation of Ethnic Stereotypes: The Role of News Exemplars' Ethnic Cues in Perception of Social Issues." 2005
- Ghalib Ali Shatnawi. "Jordanian Civil Society and Democratic Consolidation: An Analysis of Media Coverage From 2000-2004." 2004
- Gitten, Rhana A. "Displacing the "Black Mecca": Romanticizing or Witnessing African American Historical Trajectories in the Case of the Atlanta Beltline". Summer 2020
- John Russell. "Visceral Whiteness: Public Memory and (Dis)Comfort in "Post-Racial" Narratives about Slavery and Civil Rights in America." 2019.
- Jason Derby. “Privacy in the Age of Snowden: The Affective Infrastructure of Late Liberalism.” 2018
- Evan Johnson. "The Filibuster as Populist Transcendence: The Deliberative, Dramatic, and Spectacular Forms of Talking a Bill to Death". 2018
- Milene Ortega Ribeiro. "Beyond the Scripted Presidency: Heckling's Affective Ripples". 2018
- Mina Ivanova. “To (A) Void: Rhetorical Shifts, Significant Absences, and Absent Signification in the Bush Administration’s Justificatory Iraq War Rhetoric”. 2017
- Zoe Carney. “Transnational Presidential Rhetoric and the Global Imaginary: George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama”. 2017
- Christopher Toula. “New International Broadcasters and the Global Economy: Sites of Contestation in the Global Media”. 2017
- Nicole Williams Barnes. "Imagining the Housewife: Mediated Representations of Gender in Post- War America." 2016
- Emily Kofoed. "Queering Images of Citizenship: Rhetoric, LGBT Refugees, and The Public." 2016
- Houda Abadi. “The February 20th Movement Communication Strategies: Towards Participatory Politics”. 2015
- Andrew Barnes. “Presidential Rhetoric at the United Nations: Cosmopolitan Discourse and the Management of International Relations.” 2015
- Nick Sciullo. “A Rhetorical Analysis of George Jackson’s Soledad Brother: An Ideological and Critical Race Theory Investigation of Prison Resistance”. 2015
- Steve Stuglin. “Institutionalized Speech: The Presidency and the Domestic Auto Industry”. 2014
- Jason Jarvis. “Digital Image Politics”. 2014
- Stephen Heidt. “The Mobile Savage: Presidential Peace Rhetoric and the Perpetuation of Enemies”. 2014
- Scott Tulloch. “The Rhetorical City: (Re)Arranging and (Dis)Placing Atlanta’s Urban Space”. 2014
- Teresa Federico Morales. “The Last Stone is Just the Beginning: A Rhetorical Biography of Washington National Cathedral”. 2013
- Kristina E. Curry. “The Rhetoric of Louis E. Martin, “Godfather of Black Politics”. 2013
- Rondee Gaines. “I Am A Revolutionary Black Female Nationalist: A Womanist Oral History of Fulani Sunni Ali’s Role as a new African Citizen and Minister of Information in the Provisional Government of the Republic of new Africa”. 2013
- Nneka Logan. “The Ontological Scandal of Corporate Personhood and Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of Key Supreme Court Decisions”. 2013
- Richard A. Herder. “Strategies of Narrative Disclosure in the Rhetoric of Anti-Corporate Campaigns.” 2012Farooq Adamu Kperogi. "Webs of Resistance: The Citizen Online Journalism of the Nigerian Diaspora." 2011
- Sabrina Freeney. "Framing Collective Action in the African Diaspora." 2010
- Jared Johnson. "Strategic Positioning: Unesco's use of Argumentation to Encourage a US Return to Membership." 2010
- Josh Ritter. "Recovering Hyperbole: Re-Imagining the Limits of Rhetoric in an Age of Excess." 2010
- Chara Van Horn. "The Paranoid Style in an Age of Suspicion: Conspiracy Thinking and Official Rhetoric in Contemporary America." 2010
- Elani Shefrin. "Re-Mediating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Use of Peace Building Films to Facilitate Dialogue Interventions." 2007
- Joe Valenzano. "Freedom and Terror: An Analysis of President George W. Bush's Use of Ideographs in His Calls for War." 2006
- Jason Edwards. "Presidential Foreign Policy Rhetoric in the Age of Globalization: Bill Clinton's Rhetorical Vocabulary." 2006
- Rasha Ramzy. "Communicating Cosmopolitanism: An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Jimmy Carter, Vaclav Havel, and Edward Said." 2006
- Michael Hester. "America's #1 Fan and the Secular Faith: A Rhetorical Study of Presidential Sports Encomia and its Contribution to an American Civil Religion." 2005
- E. Grace Lager. "Body Bound: Oppositional Arguments Through Three Waters of the American Feminist Movement." 2004
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